Health and Safety

Rigg Construction (Southern) Ltd is committed to an ongoing practice of placing Health and Safety foremost in the list of company priorities.

We are proud to have been CHAS accredited as a principal Contractor since 2011 and along with our external professional Health and Safety consultants, we strive to achieve zero H & S occurrences. Our careful monitoring of all sites, alongside continual training for staff helps to ensure this is the case.

The objective of this policy is to attain and maintain high standards of health and safety performance throughout the company and detail the standards expected of employees and sub-contractors who under take work on its behalf.

Hazards will be identified and the risk of injury, disease or dangerous occurrence will be minimised by the achievement and maintenance of high standards of health and safety.

We have an ongoing programme of Health and Safety training, in conjunction with our professional Health and Safety advisors, The Building Safety Group and the CITB, to ensure all our staff, both site and office based are fully informed in new regulations and initiatives issued by the Health and Safety Executive.

Our training matrix ensures all necessary staff have passed the CITB Site Managers Safety Training Scheme, Full First Aid Course, Asbestos Awareness, and Scaffold courses as a minimum. They are all also CRB checked.

Have an enquiry? Get in touch today.
Safe Contractor
ISO 9001 registered firm
NHBC registered company
ISO 14001 registered firm
The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme